Soul and its Implication in Philosophy, Medicine and Religion


  • Shamima Parvin Lasker Professor & Head of Anatomy, Shahabudddin Medical College; Secretary General , Bangladesh Bioethics Society
  • Arif Hossain Professor & Course Co-coordinator; International Affairs and Human Rights, Etrat University; Vice President, Asian Bioethics Association (South Asia); Vice President of Bangladesh Bioethics Society



soul, philosophy ethics, bioethics, religion, medicine, beginning of life


The reality is that soul and death are the integral part of human life. The soul is the essence of life as fuel is the energy that runs the automobile or the light that makes the eye see. We all see the human body when the soul leaves and the human body is left senseless and ultimately dissolves into the earth. Why we do not have knowledge about soul where this element is the integral part of our human life. Most of us are not aware about this and do not like to research on it even do not discuss in life time. There is hardly any study on soul. Western bioethics totally omits discussion on the soul, though they discussed on “good death”. Only religion discussed soul elaborately specially Islam. No literature is available from Bangladesh. Therefore, the present study has been done to expand the body of knowledge on soul in the light of current theory with a view to aware people for further research for understanding and comparing with concept of philosophical, religious and medical variation.

Author Biographies

Shamima Parvin Lasker, Professor & Head of Anatomy, Shahabudddin Medical College; Secretary General , Bangladesh Bioethics Society

PhD (USA), EMMB (Europe), MPH (USA), MPhil (BD), MSc (BD).  ORCID ID:

Arif Hossain, Professor & Course Co-coordinator; International Affairs and Human Rights, Etrat University; Vice President, Asian Bioethics Association (South Asia); Vice President of Bangladesh Bioethics Society

PhD (International Studies) USA, Master of Bioethics (USA), MA (International Studies) USA. 




2021-11-01 — Updated on 2021-11-01


How to Cite

Lasker SP, Hossain A. Soul and its Implication in Philosophy, Medicine and Religion . BJBio [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];12(3):1-8. Available from:

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